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Melilestes megarhynchus Gray, GR, 1858
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Melilestes
Nominate race has head and neck grey-brown, fine indistinct blackish streaking on top of head faint and diffusely darker submoustachial stripe extending onto enterior ear-coverts, chin and throat slightly paler, grayish-brown with yellow-olive tinge and diffuse paler mottling, upperparts dark brown olive-brown, slightly browner on wing coverts, remiges and uppertail, fine and faint buff-olive outer edges on remiges, breast, belly and anterior flanks as chin and throat, light greyish-brown with yellow-olive tinge, merging to dull olive-brown rear flanks, vent and undertail-coverts, underwing brownish-grey, dirty orange-buff to buff lining and bases of remiges, undertail dark brownish-grey, iris bright orange-red, bill black-brown to black, sometimes paler cutting edge on lower mandible, legs slaty blue-grey to black, soles yellow. Sexes alike in plumage, male larger than female, female possibly slightly paler than males, but confirmation needed. Juvenile is very different from adult, with much shorter, almost straight bill, which is alos browner, conspicuous bright yellow eye ring and yellowish gape, plumage dull olive-brown above, to and side of head diffusely barred or mottled darker, browner tail and waing with olive-brown outer edges of feathers, rich buff underwing-coverts, legs horn to dark grey, iris probably dark.