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Meliphaga analoga Reichenbach, 1852
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Meliphaga
Mimic Honeyeater
Other common names: Mimic/Yellow-spotted Meliphaga, Mimetic/Allied/Yellow-spotted(!) Honeyeater
Nominate race is generally brownish-olive above, browner of top of head, with blackish-olive lores and vaguely diffuse streak running through eye to above ear-coverts, pale yellow lower ear-coverts forming fairly large, roughly triangular patch; yellow to orange-yellow gape merges with rather narrow pale yellow rectal streak (which does not extend to meet pale ear-patch); upper wing-coverts and alula dark brown with yellowish-olive outer edges or fringes, remiges dark brown with yellowish-olive outer edges and pale yellowish inner edges; tail feathers dark brown with yellowish-olive outer edges; rather uniformly pale grayish bellow, sometimes light grey-brown wash on side of breast; under wing-coverts pale olive-yellow; iris brown to grey-brown or dark grey; bill black.