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Meliphaga montana Salvadori, 1880
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Meliphaga
White-marked Forest Honeyeater
Other common names: (Forest) White-eared/(White-eared) Mountain/White-marked Scrub/Black-fronted Honeyeater, (Forest) White-eared/(White-eared) Mountain Meliphaga
Taxonomy: Ptilotis montana Salvadori, 1880, Arfak Mountains, New Guinea.
Nominate race is dark olive-brown, with darker dusky olive top and aires of head and neck, blackish-olive lores, with rest ear-coverts forming fairlz large patch, and creamy-yellow or cream gape that merges with slightly paler and fairlz narrow whitish rectal streak, upperwing dark borownish, coverts with olive-gray fringes, remiges with dull olive-grey outer edges and pale buff inner edges, tail feathers dark brown with dull olive-grey outer edges, grayish-olive or pale grayish below, darke on breast and with indistinct yellowish streaking or tinge on belly.