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Micropsitta bruijnii Salvadori, 1875
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Micropsitta
Adult: M.b. bruijnii: male- mostly green in colour; buff/red to brown/orange crown; deep blue nape and hindneck; line extending from nape to area behind eye and from hindneck as collar around to lower throat; blue on sides of breast, reaching to meet collar on neck; buff/orange throat and cheeks to ear coverts; pale red centre of underparts; blue central tail feathers; lateral tail feathers blue/black. Bill horn in colour with grey at base. Cere and eye ring pink. Eye brown. Female- in general green, red markings absent; dark blue crown; pale off-white forehead and cheeks; blue on sides of breast, nape and hindneck absent. Cere and eye ring grey. M.b. pileata: male- brown/red on crown deeper and reaching farther down nape; narrow, blue nuchal collar. Female- undescribed. M.b. necopinata: male- deep brown crown, turning to pale yellow/brown in centre; red/orange cheeks, throat and centre of breast to abdomen; yellow undertail coverts. Female- as in bruijnii, but more purple/blue crown. M.b. rosea: bright red/pink crown; pinker and brighter cheeks and throat. Female- as in bruijnii. Colourization Juvenile: M.b. bruijnii: as in adult female, but with white forehead and lores; some orange/red on underparts of males. Call: Calls are described as high-pitched short notes or series of short notes; some notes also shrill and penetrating.