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Mino dumontii Lesson, 1827
Large, short-tailed myna with much of head unfeathered, having large bare patch above, behind, below AND, LESS extensively, in front of eye. as well as bare patch on chin and side of throat; feathers of forehead, central crown, neck and upper mantle, and throat small and lanceolate. Feathers from forehead to central crown, nape and hindneck and upper mantle, also on central throat, black with purple gloss, usually small white flecks on side of neck produced by white filoplumes (sometimes forming more extensive patches); rest of mantle and back black with greenish gloss, rump and uppertail-coverts while; wing and tail black and glossy, white wing patch formed by white area on inner web of outer primary P9. both webs of P4—P8 and outer web of P3: breast and belly black with greenish gloss, lower belly deep golden-yellow, undertail-coverts white: iris orange-yellow, mottled and flecked with black, some regional variation in iris coloration (often brown in S New Guinea, but in N may be dark brown with or without gold spots); bare head skin orange-yellow; bill and legs orange-yellow. Sexes alike. Juvenile has paler facial skin and paler golden lower belly than adult.