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Myiagra alecto Temminck, 1827
Family: MonarchidaeGenus: Myiagra
Male nominate race has plumage entirely iridescent blue-black; iris dark brown; bill slate-blue, sometimes small black tip, interior of mouth vivid orange-red (very obvious when calling); legs dark slate-grey to black. Female has crown to below eye and to hindneck shiny blue-black, upperparts dark rufous-tinged brown, darker and more blackish wingtips, throat and underparts white. Immature is similar to female, but breast side, flanks and abdomen variably washed rusty. Races vary mainly in size, and in plumage of female; chalybeocephalus has longer wing than nominate; manumudari is largest race, female has very pale rufous back; longirostris is relatively long-billed, female has rufous wash on flanks and undertail-coverts; rufolateralis female has pale rufous undertail-coverts and ochraceous flanks; lucida is rather large, with large bill, female has very pale upperparts; melvillensis female has dark grey upper mantle, dark rufous-brown on rest of upperparts, underparts all white, some have creamy undertail-coverts; wardelli is similar to last but brighter rufous-brown above (including wing and tail), buffer on flanks, vent and undertail-coverts.