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Myiagra ruficollis Vieillot, 1818
Family: MonarchidaeGenus: Myiagra
Dark blue flycatcher with orangey throat and pale belly, tail somewhat rounded when spread. Nominate race is rather glossy dark blue-grey above, slightly darker on head; flight-feathers blackish with paler edgings, tail blackish, with variable whitish fringe on outer rectrices: chin, throat and breast rich orange-buff, lower underparts whitish; iris dark brown, sometimes whitish eyering (often most marked as crescent below eye); bill black to blue-black or greyish-black, sometimes dark tip and cutting edge; legs grey to black. Female is similar to male but paler and less glossy above, slightly paler below; very like M. rubecula female but distinguished mainly by pale lores, richer blue-grey upperparts, richer coloration on throat and breast, whitish eye-crescent. Immature is like female but with buff margins of flight-feathers, pale tipping on greater upperwing-coverts, pale base of bill. Race fulviventris has greyish-blue (not glossy bluish-black) crown, with throat and breast much as nominate, but rufous (not white) belly, flanks, undertail-coverts and underwing-coverts; mimikae is like nominate but larger, paler and less richly toned, those in Darwin area on N Australia (but apparently not elsewhere) often having distinctive prominent whitish lores.