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Myzomela cruentata Meyer, AB, 1874
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Myzomela
Small bird with entirely scarlet plumage, with exception of dark undertail and wing coverts. Male nominate race appears almost entirely bright, glossy crimson, brighest on rump and uppertail-coverts, duller on back, uppertail dark brown with strong crimson suffusion, crimson edges of rectrices, upperwing dark brown, coverts with broad crimson tips and fringes, tertials with strong crimson suffusion, remaining remiges with crimson outer edges, undertail brown, underwing light grey0brown, coverts paler and mottled off-white, some idndividuals have faint crimson-brown mottling above and below, but not certain whether this an immature character or the result of wear, iris rufous-brown to blackish-brown, bill lack to brownish black, gape yellos, legs dusly grey to balkish-brown. Female is smaller than male, drab brown to olive-brown, slightly paler and greyer belowe, especially in middle of belly and vent, with diffuse red wash of forehead. Juvenile is very similar to female, but wing shorte and gape swollen, immature male like adult male like adult female, but red washmore extensive.