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Neopsittacus pullicauda Hartert, 1896
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Neopsittacus
Colourization Adult: N.p. pullicauda: both adults-crown and nape softly streaked with yellow/green; nape lightly washed olive/brown; cheeks green streaked with green/yellow; red throat to centre of abdomen; red underwing coverts and underwing band; upper tail green, underneath olive/green, with red at lateral feather bases. Bill deep orange. Eye red. N.p. alpinus: both adults-pale orange/red breast in contrast to dark red abdomen; upper parts darker green. N.p. socialis: both adults-upperparts and sides of head darker green; less olive/brown on nape. Colourization Juvenile: As in adults but generally duller in colour, with reduced red on underparts; less visible streaking on head. Bill orange/brown. Call: High in pitch, quiet and musical. Somewhat similar to Musschenbroek's Lorikeet.