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Oreocharis arfaki Meyer, AB, 1875
Family: ParamythiidaeGenus: Oreocharis
Male has large yellow area on side of head (encompassing cheek and ear-coverts); rest of head, side of lower neck, throat and bib on upper breast black; upperparts olive-green, uppertail-coverts blue-grey; flight-feathers black with green edges, tertials each with prominent pale yellow terminal spot on outer web; upper surface of tail blue-grey, becoming darker towards tip; underparts below bib bright yellow, large central area on abdomen burnt orange; iris dark olive-brown; bill black; legs greyish-brown to dark brown. Female is obscure-looking, but with diagnostic yellow spotting on tertials (as in male) and scalloping on flanks; top of head olive-green with or without indistinct darker mottling, yellower on cap and sides of neck, rest of upper surface similar to that of male; cheek and ear-coverts grey, lightly mottled whitish, throat and bib (on upper breast) plain grey, lower breast and flanks yellow with dusky scalloping, abdomen yellowish-white with obscure dusky scalloping; iris brownish-grey; bill black; legs grey-brown to light brown or pale grey. Juvenile and immeture are similar to female.