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Orthonyx novaeguineae Meyer, AB, 1874
Family: OrthonychidaeGenus: Orthonyx
Male nominate race has supercilium and side of face grey, crown dark rufous- brown with darker feather edgings (creating scalloped effect); nape, mantle and back dark down, each feather broadly edged with black on one web and with pale shaft streak (producing mottled appearence), rump dark rufous- brown; upperwing coverts black with broad pale grey tips (forming two wingbars); remiges grey- brown, becoming dark brown towards base, primaries with small buff spot on margin of leading web (forming wingbar on closed wing), secondaries with extensive buff- rufous edging, increasing in width inwards, outer web of tertials almost entirely buff- rufous; tail grey- brown; chin, throat and upper breast white with slight black border, breast side extensively dark grey (leaving only reduced white section along mid- line), lower breast and belly white, flanks and undertail- coverts olive- brown and grey; iris dark brown; bill black; legs blackish. Female like male, but somewhat brighter on upperparts, and with chin to upper breast orange- rufous, black border often absent. Juvenile is buffy brown above and below, feathers of back broadly edged blackish, feathers of underparts more narrowly dark- edged. Race dorsalis has black margins of upperpart feathers wider and breast side darker grey than nominate; victorianus has darker rump, reduced white below.