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Pachycephala modesta De Vis, 1894
Family: PachycephalidaeGenus: Pachycephala
Pachycephala modesta De Vis, 1894
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Brown-backed Whistler, Grey Mountain Pachycephala
Crown is dark grey, upper side of face to below orbit grey, ear- coverts brown, upperparts sooty brown with olive wash; upperwing and tail slaty brown, all wing feathers edged light grey; throat and underparts white, breast and flanks tinged grey; iris dark brown or dark red- brown; bill and legs black. Sexes alike. Juvenile is mottled heavily with chestnut- brown to dark red- brown; immature has upperparts olive- green, secondaries edged rufous, underparts buffy, upper breast sometime with indistinct rufous band, belly washed pale yellow. Race hypoleuca differs from nominate in having upperparts less olive, more greyish- brown, underparts darker grey; telefolminensis resembles previous, but darker above and below.