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Pachycephala pectoralis Latham, 1802
Family: PachycephalidaeGenus: Pachycephala
Pachycephala pectoralis Latham, 1802
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Golden Whistler, Common Golden Whistler
The adult male Golden Whistler is bright yellow on the underside, olive-green on the back and wings, and black on the head with a bright yellow collar. The throat is white, separated from the yellow chest by a broad black band. The bill and legs are black. Females lack bright plumage. They are generally grey above, with a pale olive tinge, and paler grey below, with a buff wash. The bill is dark brown and the legs grey-brown. The eye is red-brown in adults of both sexes. Young Golden Whistlers are rufous. As they mature, the plumage comes to resemble that of the female other than rufous edges to some wing feathers. These are later replaced as the bird matures. The Golden Whistler's voice is strong, musical and varied.