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Pachycephalopsis poliosoma Sharpe, 1882
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Pachycephalopsis
Nominate race is dark grey above, area from gape to ear- coverts sooty grey, uppertaip- coverts slightly darker than back; upperwing and tail sooty grey; chin and throat mottled white, side of throat whiter and unmarked, underparts medium grey; iris pale grey or buffy; bill black; legs pinkish- grey to slate- blue. Sexes alike. Juvenile has upperparts dark olive- brown, lores very dark blackish- brown, chin white, throat, breast and flanks brown, white belly feathers tipped brown (mottled), undertail- coverts tan- coloured; immature differs from adult in having top of head, wings and tail much browner, tinged chestnut, and some feathers on breast and abdomen faintly mottled brownish. Race albigularis ahs chin and upper throat white, wing and tail greyish- black, belly little paler than breast; approximans is similar to previous, but white on throat reduced; balim has crown and breast tinged brown, uppertail- coverts and tail more brownish, white on throat more reduced, belly more whitish, undertail- coverts buff; idenburgi is like last, but crown and head side blacker, white on throat further reduced, remiges and rectrices edged darker brown; hunsteini has chin white with buff wash, throat grey, breast and belly darker, crown blacker, undertail- coverts buff; hypopolia is similar to last, but slightly smaller and paler.