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Petroica bivittata De Vis, 1897
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Petroica
Petroica bivittata De Vis, 1897
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Cloud-forest Robin, New Guinea/Cloudforest Robin,
Forest/Mountain Robin(-flycatcher)
Nominate race has head, neck and upperparts black, small white forehead patch; remiges and greater upperwing- coverts brownish black, lesser and median coverts black; tail black, outer rectrix with distal end white (more than half of feather length on some induviduals), next two feather pairs with small white tips; chin and throat to breast black, remainder of underparts white or greyish- white, thighs smoky grey; iris dark brown; bill and legs black. Female like male but duller, black areas sooty grey, not well demarcated from greyish- white belly and flanks, outer rectrix with outer web and tip white. Juvenile undescribed. Race caudata smaller, with white in tail much reduced.