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Pitohui kirhocephalus Lesson & Garnot, 1827
Family: ColluricinclidaeGenus: Pitohui
Nominate race has head grey, upperparts dark reddish- brown; upperwing and tail fuscous; throat grey, underparts ferruginous; iris reddish- brown; bill black; legs grey. Sexes alike. Immature is similar to adult. Races differ mainly in plumage colour and pattern, in following list head and throat grey (as nominate) in first ten races, black in next five, and brown in final four; brunneicaudus has upperparts and underparts not so richly coloured as nominate; senex is similar but underparts slightly paler; carolinae is very like nominate, but head darker grey, upperparts dark brown, rump and tail darker, underparts paler; decipiens has wings and tail blacker, head much darker in male, only slightly so in female; dohertyi is similar to previous, but wings and tail black, body darker and richer, male head black, female blackish; adiensis is also similar, but head and breast darker, lower breast and below slightly lighter orange- brown; rubiensis is again similar, but male head and tail somewhat paler, female slightly paler than male; stramineipectus similar to previous but head ashy, underparts yellowish- white; cerviniventris has crown and side of head paler and greyer than back, upperparts greyish- brown, wings and tail darker, more brownish, throat greyish- brown, underparts ferruginous, pallidus is like previous but paler, particularly on underparts; uropygialis upper back, lower breast and belly rich red- brown, remainder of plumage black; tibialis is similar to last, but deeper red- brown above and below; nigripectus male has back chestnut, belly ferruginous, remainder of plumage black, female similar but breast also ferruginous; aruensis is similar to previous, but belly deeper- coloured, more chestnut, breast chestnut mixed with black, female head and throat dusky (not black); meridionalis has upperparts rusty chestnut, belly and undertail- coverts rufous- buff, female head and throat grey- brown to dark brown, wings and tail brown; brunneiceps has head and throat brown, otherwise like previous, bill black; brunneivertex nas head and throat brown, but underparts bright ferruginous and side and top of head same or slightly paler, remainder of upperparts, tail and outer edges of remiges light rufous- brown, bill horn- coloured; jobiensis is similar to last, but much deeper and richer cinnamon- rufous; meyeri is also similar but underparts paler, more ferruginous brown, head slightly paler, throat darker and more grey- brown, underparts paler.