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Pitohui nigrescens Schlegel, 1871
Family: ColluricinclidaeGenus: Pitohui
Male nominate race has body entirely slaty black, crown and side of head slightly darker, flanks slightly more slaty, remiges and rectrices blackish- brown; iris dark brown; bill and legs black. Female has crown ashy brown, forehead and lores slightly greyer, sides of face and neck tawny- brown, upperparts olive- brown, rump and uppertail- coverts slightly more reddish, remiges brown, edged chestnut on outer webs, wing- coverts washed reddish- brown, greater coverts with olive tinge, tail chestnut; throat ashy brown, underparts tawny- brown; iris umbre, bill blackish- brown, lower mandible sometimes paler, legs dark grey. Juvenile male is generally sooty greyish- brown to blackish with chestnut edges of feathers, including wing- coverts; immature male like adult but lighter, retains some juvenile wing- coverts, bill pale; immature female like adult, but retains some juvenile wing- coverts. Race wandamensis is similar to nominate, but male belly black, female crown more rufous- brown, like back; meeki male is deeper black, female with less grey tinge; buergersi like previous, but female bright reddish- brown, especially on underparts; schistaceus male is more slaty black, female more grey- tinged below; harterti is like last, but female browner, less grey- tinged below.