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Poecilodryas albonotata Salvadori, 1875
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Poecilodryas
Nominate race has crown and upperparts deep blue- grey, side of forehead to ear- coverts black; upperwing blackish- brown, outer webs of remiges with small white spot (not visible on folded wing, but forming stripe in flight); tail blackish- brown, outer rectrices narrowly tipped white; chin, throat and upper breast black, side of neck with elongated white patch, breast side and flanks grey, lower breast to undertail- coverts white; iris dark brown; bill and legs black. Sexes alike. Juvenile has plumage uniform pale cinnamon, except for white mark on neck side. Race griseiventris has lower breast and belly grey, not white; correcta is paler above than nominate, has black of throat more restricted, extent of white on underparts less and tinged buff.