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Ptiloprora guisei De Vis, 1894
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Ptiloprora
Nominate race has top of head and hindneck black with irregular olive to olive-grey streaking, merging to rufous-brown mottling on lower hindneck and lower side of neck, side of head blackish with grey streaking and wash, especially prominent on supercilium and around eye, upperbody black to black-brown, mottled with rufous-brown, heavily so on mantle and scapulars and more diffusely and more weakly on rest of upperbody, upperwing and uppertail blackish-brown, pale olive to yellowish-olive margins on madian coverts and outer edges of greater coverts, pale olive to olive-rufous outer edges of primaries, chin and throat light grey, diffusely mottled dusky, breast and belly largely pale grey to greyish-white with bold but irregular blackish streaking merging to rufous-blackish with rufous-brown streaking on sides of breast and belly and on flanks, vent and undertail-coverts as belly, but washed rufous brown or yellowish and only faintly streaked, undertail brownish-grey, underwing off-white, pale greyish-brown mottling on coverts and brownish-grey trailing edge and tip, iris typically green to pale grey-green, bill black, legs vary, from light blue-grey to ligt blue, blue or blue-black, soles yellow. Sexes alike in plumage, male larger than female. Juvenile is like adult, but duller and with more diffuse and weaker streaking above and below washed olive-yellow, with reduced and duller rufous. Umbrosa slightly smaller, with crown streaking brownish-grey.