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Rhipidura brachyrhyncha Schlegel, 1871
Family: RhipiduridaeGenus: Rhipidura
Occurs in two plumage morphs differing chiefly in tail colouring. Mated pairs may comprise bot morphs. Dark morph has head side, crown and mantla brown, remaining upperparts rich rufous, upperwing dark brown, remiges edged rufous, wing-coverts rich rufous, tail blackish brown or dark- brown, rectrices with rufous bases and broad pale rufous tips, throat brownish or buffy grey, belly buffy rufous, undertail-coverts rufous, iris dark brown, bill blackish brown ot horn coloured, lower mandible pinkish, legs pale brown. Pale morph is buff grey, belly and undertail-coverts buff, tail uniformly pale grey or dusky brownish-grey, rectrices with white shafts, black absent. Sexes similar, female usually slightly paler than male. Juvenile undescribed. Devisi is slightly paler and less richly coloured than nominate.