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Rhipidura leucothorax Salvadori, 1874
Family: RhipiduridaeGenus: Rhipidura
Rhipidura leucothorax Salvadori, 1874
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
White-bellied Thicket Fantail, White-breasted Thicket-fantail
Crown sooty brown, side of head black, complete white supercilium, amntle and black dark brown, rump and UT-C sooty black, wing blackish, W-C with white tips, tail black, R with broad white tips, chin to upper breast black, large white patch on throat side, lower breast mottted black and white, abdomen white, flanks and thighs grey-brown, UT-C black, iris dark brown, upper mandible black, lower mandible pale pink, legs dark grey to black. Sexes alike. Immature is like adult but browner, breast spotted with white, bill all dark. Clamosa is darker, blacker. Episcopalis has back browner.