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Home » Species » Passeriformes » Acanthizidae » Sericornis » Sericornis perspicillatus - Salvadori, 1896
Sericornis perspicillatus Salvadori, 1896
Family: AcanthizidaeGenus: Sericornis
Sericornis perspicillatus Salvadori, 1896
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Buff-faced Scrubwren, Buff-faced Sericornis
A small distinctive scrubwren with orange-buff face and eyering, dark eye standing out prominently. Facial area, hin and quite broad ring around ee are ochre-buff, contrasting with greyish-olive crown and forehead; upperparts, including upperwing and tail, olive, tail with dark subterminal band on all restrices except central pair; underparts light ochraceous buff, darker on flanks and belly; iris blackish, brown or red-brown; bill dark brown or black, sometimes pale base of lower mandible; legs light brown or pale brownish-grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile is similar to adult.