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Sericornis virgatus Reichenow, 1915
Family: AcanthizidaeGenus: Sericornis
Medium-sized scrubwren of montane and hill forest. Nominate race is typically greenish-olive above, browner on crown and tail, with forehead, supraloral area (paler), side of head and chin ochraceous or buffy rufous; alula and greater and median wing-coverts often with white or grey tips; underparts greyish-buff or drab olive, sometimes with lemon wash on belly; iris orange-brown reddish or brown; bill brown to blackish; feet horn-coloured. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed. Races vary in size and coloration: immitator similar to nominate but greener above, darker below; jobiensis like previous, but darker ochraceous cinnamon on forehead and face, darer and less olive above, paler below; pontifex has pale tips of alula and coverts indistinct (greenish-grey) or lacking, bill sometimes entirely pale; boreonesioticus sometimes has pale lower mandible.