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Tregellasia leucops Salvadori, 1876
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Tregellasia
Nominate race has large white loral spot, black line from gape to eye and eyering, dark slaty ear- coverts; crown dark slaty grey, paler grey on nape and side of neck, forehead and side of crown sooty black, upperparts yellowish- olive; median and lesser upperwing- coverts olive- green, remiges olive- brown with olive- green edges; tail olive- brown, rectrices finely tipped yellowish- white and edged with olivaceous- brown wash; chin, upperthroat and cheek off- white, lower throat to undertail- coverts bright yellow, breast and flanks washed olive; iris dark brown; bill black; legs orange- yellow. Sexes alike. Juvenile has body rusty brown, some feathers with pale shaft streaks, upperwing- coverts tipped chestnut- rufous; immature similar to adult, but with light rufous edges on wing- coverts. Races differ mainly in head pattern and bill colour: mayri like nominate, but lacks black line from gape to eye; nigroorbitalis similar to previous, but with crown blacker and upper throat whiter; heurni has face (lores, forehead and eyering) entirely white; nigriceps similar to previous, but reduced white throat patch; melanogenys also very similar, but chin yellow, nape washed olive; albifacies has forehead black, crown olive- green, large white eyering; albigularis differs from last in blacker crown, more extensive white throat, somewhat paler underparts; wahgiensis has crown olive- green, more extensive white around eye, bill mostly orange; auricularis similar to last but with throat and ear- coverts white.