Charmosyna josefinae
Colourization Adult: C.j. josefinae: male- in general red; black occiput to nape, with pale lilac/blue streaking towards front; rump has dusky blue patch; black lower flanks and lower abdomen; red underwing coverts; red central tail feathers tipped with yellow; lateral tail feathers red washed with green on outer webs and tipped with yellow. Bill orange. Eye yellow. Female- green/yellow lower back. C.j. cycloporum: both adults have black abdominal patch; blue streaking on occiput missing or faint. C.j. sepikiana: male- black abdominal patch more extensive; pale grey streaking on occiput. Female- as in male, but with yellow lower back and flanks. Colourization Juvenile: C.j. josefinae: as in adult female but with green wash to black thighs and abdomen; green wash on occiput to nape; blue/green streaking on occiput; underwing band dull yellow. Bill brown. Eye brown. C.j. sepikiana: in general duller than male; green wash on black thighs, abdomen and occiput to nape. Call: Calls given in flight are described as high-pitched; nasal note while perched reminescent of Papuan Lorikeet (Charmosyna papou).
Not Threatened.
Colourization Adult: C.j. josefinae: male- in general red; black occiput to nape, with pale lilac/blue streaking towards front; rump has dusky blue patch; black lower flanks and lower abdomen; red underwing coverts; red central tail feathers tipped with yellow; lateral tail feathers red washed with green on outer webs and tipped with yellow. Bill orange. Eye yellow. Female- green/yellow lower back. C.j. cycloporum: both adults have black abdominal patch; blue streaking on occiput missing or faint. C.j. sepikiana: male- black abdominal patch more extensive; pale grey streaking on occiput. Female- as in male, but with yellow lower back and flanks. Colourization Juvenile: C.j. josefinae: as in adult female but with green wash to black thighs and abdomen; green wash on occiput to nape; blue/green streaking on occiput; underwing band dull yellow. Bill brown. Eye brown. C.j. sepikiana: in general duller than male; green wash on black thighs, abdomen and occiput to nape. Call: Calls given in flight are described as high-pitched; nasal note while perched reminescent of Papuan Lorikeet (Charmosyna papou).
24 cm, 68 g
- Trichoglossus Josefinae Finsch, 1873, Arfak Mountains. Three subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * josefinae (Finsch, 1873) - W New Guinea from Vogelkop to Snow Mts. * cyclopum Hartert, 1930 - NC New Guinea in Cyclops Mts. * sepikiana Neumann, 1922 - C New Guinea from R Sepik and Western Highlands E to Mt Bosavi.
Found from 750-2200m in montane forest, forest edges and partly cleared areas
Feeds on pollen, nectar, flower buds and possibly soft fruits.
No info, 2 eggs. May be nomadic. Usually seen in pairs or small groups. Is fairly difficult to spot in spite of its bright colouration. Feeds in the canopies of flowering trees, on flowering vines or mid-storey epiphytes