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Cacatua sanguinea Gould, 1843
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Cacatua
Colourization Adult: C.s. sanguinea: both adults in general white; pink/orange lores and hidden bases of feathers of the head; dark grey/blue, bare eye ring, extending well below eye. Eye dark brown. C.s. normantoni: both adults as in sanguinea but smaller in size. C.s. transfreta: both adults as in normantoni, but underwings and undertail washed with yellow/brown. C.s. gymnopis: both adults more pink/orange on lores and bases of head feathers, foreneck to upper breast and back of neck. C.s. westralensis: both adults as in gymnopis, but with brighter orange/red on lores and colour more strongly washed through feather bases of head to upper breast and mantle, reaching softly to lower underparts and thighs; underwings and undertail washed lightly with deep yellow. Colourization Juvenile: C.s. sanguinea: as in adult but with paler blue eye ring tinged grey/pink underneath eye. C.s. normantoni: as in adult. C.s. transfreta: as in adult. C.s. gymnopis: as in adult. C.s. westralensis: as in adult. Call: Contact call repetitive and squeaky. A flock calling together sounds like distant geese.