Cacatua sanguinea
Colourization Adult: C.s. sanguinea: both adults in general white; pink/orange lores and hidden bases of feathers of the head; dark grey/blue, bare eye ring, extending well below eye. Eye dark brown. C.s. normantoni: both adults as in sanguinea but smaller in size. C.s. transfreta: both adults as in normantoni, but underwings and undertail washed with yellow/brown. C.s. gymnopis: both adults more pink/orange on lores and bases of head feathers, foreneck to upper breast and back of neck. C.s. westralensis: both adults as in gymnopis, but with brighter orange/red on lores and colour more strongly washed through feather bases of head to upper breast and mantle, reaching softly to lower underparts and thighs; underwings and undertail washed lightly with deep yellow. Colourization Juvenile: C.s. sanguinea: as in adult but with paler blue eye ring tinged grey/pink underneath eye. C.s. normantoni: as in adult. C.s. transfreta: as in adult. C.s. gymnopis: as in adult. C.s. westralensis: as in adult. Call: Contact call repetitive and squeaky. A flock calling together sounds like distant geese.
Not Threatened.
Colourization Adult: C.s. sanguinea: both adults in general white; pink/orange lores and hidden bases of feathers of the head; dark grey/blue, bare eye ring, extending well below eye. Eye dark brown. C.s. normantoni: both adults as in sanguinea but smaller in size. C.s. transfreta: both adults as in normantoni, but underwings and undertail washed with yellow/brown. C.s. gymnopis: both adults more pink/orange on lores and bases of head feathers, foreneck to upper breast and back of neck. C.s. westralensis: both adults as in gymnopis, but with brighter orange/red on lores and colour more strongly washed through feather bases of head to upper breast and mantle, reaching softly to lower underparts and thighs; underwings and undertail washed lightly with deep yellow. Colourization Juvenile: C.s. sanguinea: as in adult but with paler blue eye ring tinged grey/pink underneath eye. C.s. normantoni: as in adult. C.s. transfreta: as in adult. C.s. gymnopis: as in adult. C.s. westralensis: as in adult. Call: Contact call repetitive and squeaky. A flock calling together sounds like distant geese.
Size: 38cmAdult Weight: 350-530g
- Cacatua sanguinea Gould, 1843, Port Essington, Northern Territory. Alternative genus name Kakatoe now obsolete; official suppression proposed. Forms superspecies with C. goffini. Sometimes considered conspecific with C. pastinator, and in past these two treated as conspecific with C. tenuirostris; on current evidence, these three forms probably best considered to constitute three separate species. Five subspecies currently recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * transfreta Mees, 1982 - lowland S New Guinea. * sanguinea Gould, 1843 - NW Western Australia and Northern Territory. * westralensis (Mathews, 1917) - Murchison R, Western Australia. * gymnopsis P. L. Sclater, 1871 - inland C & E Australia. * normantoni (Mathews, 1917) - W Cape York Peninsula.
Found in riverine woodland adjacent to grasslands or agricultural areas (breeding season). Outside the breeding season they may be found in a wide variety of areas including Eucalyptus/Acacia scrublands with short grass, open or lightly treed grasslands, ricefields, sedge plains, mulga, mallee, Callitris/Eucalyptus woodland, semiarid and monsoon woodland and shrubland, spinifex, saltbush Atriplex, mangrove, crop areas, roadsides and suburban areas.
Seeds, paddy melons, nuts, fruits, berries, flowers, roots, corms, buds, shoots, insects, wood-boring larvae and blossoms.
Has been recorded in most months but in the north of Australia May-October, southeast August-December. Queensland December-April, July-October and February-May. Nesting said to be by climatic conditions, three months after end of wet season in the north.